POLITE POETICS Welcome to Polite Poetics! This is a weekly event at the Belmont Free Library. We discuss poetry, ready from authors, study how poetry is written, and write and share our own creations. This is open to all ages.
The Stories of Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Imagine your home. All the living memories you have of it, all its little quirks. Now imagine it after you are gone. Maybe your grandkids moved in, or perhaps, a stranger now lives there. But imagine even further ahead, to
Juvenile/Children’s Learning Computer Now Available!
We now have a kids computer at the library with elementary literacy programs and games! Come try it out.
A Lost T.V. show from 1993
“Cadillacs and Dinosaurs” is a show that combines two passions I never would have thought of, cars and dinos. Created by Steven E. de Souza (based on the comics of Mark Schultz), this animated story takes place in the far
Evolution of Dystopian Literature
A dystopia is a society that is an opposite of a utopia, i.e. a society where everything is bad, usually with an over-controlling corrupt government. In literature, dystopias are reflective of the time they were written in. From Ray Bradbury’s
Something Wicked (Cool) This Way Comes
For the first time in 50,000 years, a comet will be passing by our little planet. A comet is a ball of ice and rock that is caught in our Sun’s gravitational pull. Some, like Halley’s Comet, can be seen
Library hours: Monday: 1-5 pm Tuesday: 1-7 pm Thursday: 9 am-3 pm Friday: 1-5 pm Make-A-Map A great way to tell a story is through maps! To show the world of imagination through pictures. Map making makes your world feel
Map Drawing and World Building in Stories
A common part of fantasy novels is to include a map of the world where the story will take place before the chapters begin. This is a great way to help immerse your readers into the reality of the world
The Book of Patrons Project
Stories are the foundations of our world, and many of them go untold to the masses. Small bits of wondrous knowledge, unique ideas of inspiration, and experiences that are lost to time. This project is an attempt to preserve
Obscure Music
One of my favorite past times is finding unheard of music. Music is a form of story telling that can take the listener on a journey just as much as a well written book. My taste in music covers a