Name Our Spider Plant!

(clipart image of a plant from

Our library has a spider plant that has been recovering nicely from being sun-starved. To help motivate them in getting better and continuing to be a bit of greenery here at the Belmont Library, I have decided to ask you patrons: what you think we should name our leafy friend?

Come to the library and leave your suggestions and I will make a decision, or, if we have a few names that are repeated, I will go with the most mentioned name. (Note: please be appropriate in naming our spider plant).

From Curtis Decker, Director of the Belmont Library

About Curtis Decker

Happy to be here and to open the library to all in need. I love talking about stories, drawing, farming, and hiking. Come in for books, conversations, and to share in the atmosphere of our historic small town library. A magical place of stories and wonder.
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