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- Fiction and non-fiction books for all ages
- Large Print books
- Audiobooks on CD
- Downloadable e-books and audiobooks
- DVD and VHS movies and documentaries
- Music on CD
- Magazines
- Interlibrary loan through the Southern Tier Library System (48 member libraries)
- Out of System item holds
- Children’s CD-ROM (computer) games
- Small local history section
- Belmont Dispatch newspapers (1900-1966)
- WI-FI internet access
- Public access internet computers and printer ($1.00 per page for color copies printed and .25 per page printed for black/white copies)
- Copy machine (.25 per copy)-black/white, ($1.00 per copy)-color
- Fax machine ($2.00 per fax sent)
- Online card catalog (STARCat)
- Puzzles for children and adults